Wednesday, December 31, 2008


The kids could not wait for Christmas morning...Santa was a little more on a budget this year. We were a little nervous about that, well I wasn't but Jeff was a little stressed. The kids were so cute every time they opened a present they would say just what I wanted how did Santa know? After we opened all of our presents we went to Jeff's parents for a delicious breakfast and Christmas bingo, yes, Bingo it's crazy but it the funnest game ever on Christmas... It's a family tradition only the adults get to play and you have to be a Almond to play. We all bring gifts and Jeff's parents hide money in the present and when we win we get to draw a number and we have played all the games we take turns opening our presents. Right after that we headed to my parents for dinner and to Celebrate Alexx birthday she is a Christmas baby. This year we decided to make a Colombian feast my mom makes the best soup and I made payeya and my sister made empanadas. Oh yeah, It was good!!! and I think it's good for the kids to remember that they are part Colombian. We had dinner and opened more presents and hung out for a while and then we headed home exhausted. It was a long two days but we loved every minute.

1 comment:

Megan said...

What cute pictures!!! Santa's budget isn't too bad what that fancy Barbie Jeep.