Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas Eve

We went to Jeff's parents on Christmas Eve. The whole family meets up and we have appetizers then dinner. I think, I love the food more than the presents...Ronnie Jeff's dad always does a little story from the scriptures, he is so cute and just like me cries with every story. This year he called all the kids and wanted them to share a Christmas story from when they were kids, Jeff shared when he was little they did the 12 days of Christmas to a family that they knew and he talked about how excited he was to run up to their door and leave the present without them seeing him. and what a great experience it was for him to give without receiving. The story I could remember was our first Christmas here in the United States, we were in our apartment opening presents, that year we didn't have much but we didn't seem to care we were so grateful to be living here. My mom had always wanted a strand of pearls but of course with 3 little kids there was never any money left for her pearls. That year my dad had bought my mom her beloved pearls, all us kids knew that he had bought them for her and we couldn't wait for her to open her package and when she opened the box and saw her pearls, she was so surprise and so happy!!! I remember I was more happy for her and seeing that she finally got her pearls. It taught me that sometimes seeing the people that we truly love happy is even better than our own happiness. I think the pearls were a little symbolic that we were here for a new start and that together we could accomplish anything.

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