It's official all the kids have started school. It has been bitter sweet to see them go, we have had a very long and fun summer and I was a little sad not to have them home. Olivia started 6Th grade, which seem crazy to me because I totally remember what it was like to be in 6Th grade. Cade 3rd grade and he wants to do every thing on his own, I asked him the night before what he wanted to wear to school and he replied Mom, I will randomly pick out something, I don't want to plan it.
My sweet, sweet Halle started Kindergarden, I can't tell you how excited she was to go. Olivia has her lunch at the same time that Halle starts so she waited outside for us to walk her little sister in, WHAT A GREAT BIG SISTER!!! and Last but not least Addison started school yesterday. So, as excited I was to finally have some peace and quiet, I have really missed the chaos that is my life.
There is nothing I treasure more than my little kids.